V.P. Kamala Harris insists that Donald Trump is only interested in himself. But what voters see clearly...
Turkey continued its strikes in Syria and Iraq for a second day following the terrorist attack on...
Secretary of State Blinken says, nearly a month into the Israeli military’s ground operations in Lebanon, that...
Just Room Enough Island, previously Hub Island, has just enough room for the small cottage and tree...
In a powerful address to the U.N. former hostage Amit Soussana recounted her 55 days in Gaza...
The presidential campaign of 2024 remains razor-thin, but there are several indicators showing that Trump is running...
The ECG app on Apple Watch Series 4 or later and all models of Apple Watch Ultra...
As Election Day looms an inexorable truth remains: on November 5, or shortly thereafter, either Kamala Harris...
McDonald’s story reveals that any statement that President Harris utters will be treated as gospel truth, and...
A widespread E. coli outbreak has been linked to a McDonald’s product, according to the CDC. Here’s...