November is National Caregiver Awareness Month and a great time to heal ourselves and our nation. VP-elect...
An immigrant from the former Soviet Russia is grateful this Thanksgiving that Americans chose truth, freedom and...
I am grateful that though Dad will be missing at our family’s Thanksgiving celebration for the first...
Dr. Ayelet Levy Shahar, whose daughter is being held captive by Hamas, implores Americans to remember the...
Read the latest from Fox News Opinion & watch videos from Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo & more. ...
Putin signals to Biden that the U.S. and NATO allies can be targeted by Russian missiles that...
Putin signals to Biden that the U.S. and NATO allies can be targeted by Russian missiles that...
The terrible combination of elitism and extremism that has defined Democratic policymaking in California for at least...
If President-elect Trump is going to succeed, pushing a budget through quickly is essential. He needs to...
Many women feel alone during pregnancy. The Human Coalition clinic listened to my worries and needs and...