Despite his refusal to block Trump’s sentencing hearing, Chief Justice Roberts, in his year-end report, warned against...
In a ruling last week, denying Trump’s post-trial motions and scheduling sentencing for Friday, Judge Merchan indicated that...
The broader consequences of the New York case against Trump are about more than any one individual:...
Columnist and cigarette smoker David Marcus writes that a Biden administration proposal to lower the levels of...
Michael Masters, the national director and CEO of the Secure Community Network, writes that illegal immigrants who...
Jimmy Carter was a man of strong faith. You could disagree about how he applied his beliefs,...
Politicians are trying to pin California’s wildfires on climate change, instead of the government policies that are...
The H-1B visa program was intended to bring in specialized talent from abroad, but instead it has...
Focus has been on the legislative agenda, but five big speeches should mark Trump’s second term just...
Jimmy Carter’s life should remind us of what is possible when we lead with principle, tolerance and...